Friday, 15 April 2016

I finished the Baa-ble hat and made a extra to match!

The Baa-ble hat was actually a really easy project!  It surprised me with how simple it was. The only part I found difficult was the tension, my sheep are just too tight but with time that will get easier to do.  
I had to knit this flat as I haven't mastered the art of the double pointed needle yet.  It just meant that I had to follow the chart from right to left, then back left to right while reversing the stitches instead of always reading from the right.  I've done this with patterns before so I didn't find it too strenuous.

The finished object!  The rib was a little short to be turned up but too long to be left unturned.  If I were to make this again I would definitely add a few more rows onto the rib so it would sit more comfortably!

Now the little bit extra that I made I found incredibly cute!  They are little hand warmers, I've named them Snowy Sheep Fingerless Mittens.  I used the pattern from the chart but edited it slightly so it worked better for a mitten.  The sheep on the front is the big sheep from the hat and once again my tension was off so the sheep just isn't sitting right.  I think it's gonna take me some time to get used to this!

I wrote out the pattern straight away so I would get lazy and never upload it.  It is available to download on my Ravelry page.  I only put this up yesterday afternoon and it has already been downloaded nearly 400 times!  Thanks to everyone who downloads it, I just hope the pattern is ok and I haven't made any mistakes!

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